Sunday, 19 April 2015

The Shocking Death on Last Night's Scandal Has Us Devastated

After Olivia's whole kidnapping and rescue—
including the fleeting return of season one's
Stephen —I thought we were done with mega-
Scandal shockers for this season. I trusted that
Shonda Rhimes knew just how much our hearts
could take, and we'd ride out the rest of the episodes
into the sunset with some mild twists and turns. But last
night's episodes dashed my hopes and proved me so
very wrong. This end-of-the season road is paved with
heart-attack-inducing cliffhangers—including last
night's death that nobody saw coming. [You know the
drill: Spoilers ahead!]
A bunch of momentous things happened last night:
Rowan Pope returned. As did Marcus Walker (the activist
from "The Lawn Chair" ), who is running for mayor and
sleeping with the incumbent mayor's wife—who then
gets stabbed to death by masked men as Walker hides.
Olivia/Alex and Russell (the man from the bar) are still a,
ahem , steamy thing. But all of that was wiped away after
the final minutes of the episode, when Jake is stabbed in
the OPA offices by another masked man (because, you
know, one masked-man stabbing just isn't enough). And
the man behind the mask? Liv's new boyfriend, Russell,
who is working for Rowan.



I was holding out hope that this was just a ruse, and that
next week we'd find out that Jake survived the stabbing
(take that, Rowan!). But by the looks of Scott Foley's
tweets, the sun has officially set on Jake Ballard.


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