Your Complete Explainer On Justin Bieber's Retouched Bulge
This week, the annoying one Mark Wahlberg’s wife got in a boxer brief turf war with
Justin Bieber over her husband’s iconic 1992 Calvin Klein
campaign. She tweeted, “My baby was the 1st and the best.
And not to mention…. wow the retouching….” Plus, she
revealed her nightly ritual in a tweet, “mark wahlberg calvin
klein ads - Google search that’s real…...ain’t gonna lie.”
After a firestorm of hate from Beliebers, Marky Mark himself
makes a call over to Bieber HQ to pass the tor
TMark Wahlberg’s wife got in a boxer brief turf war with
Justin Bieber over her husband’s iconic 1992 Calvin Klein
campaign. She tweeted, “My baby was the 1st and the best.
And not to mention…. wow the retouching….” Plus, she
revealed her nightly ritual in a tweet, “mark wahlberg calvin
klein ads - Google search that’s real…...ain’t gonna lie.”right after holiday break, will
forever be remembered as the week 20-year-old boystar
Justin Bieber had "a dream come true." He is now a Calvin
Klein spokesmodel, foisting his oiled torso and #MyCalvins
on the world. But not all is as it seems. Just last week,
when you were bored over the holiday break, what wouldn't
you have given for an entire news cycle centered around
Justin Bieber's crotch? Let us explore.
drums in a in a perfectly Vine-able six-second video
announcing the new campaign. Biebs has no shirt, his co-
model Lara Stone has no face.
Labels: fashion
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