Sunday, 18 May 2014

The Part of a Woman's Body Men Look at the Most Will Shock You. Shock You, I Say!

The Part of a Woman's Body
Men Look at the Most Will
Shock You. Shock You, I Say!
hope you are sitting down, because
I'm about to give you the shock of
your life....
Men like to look at boobs, you guys.

Major assets.
According to a new study wherein
people wore eye tracking gear while
looking at pictures of models with
different body types, men look at
breasts and waists for longer periods of
time than they look at faces. And since
they spend so much time staring at that
general area, women with hourglass
figures were not only looked at more,
they were rated as having better
personalities. Because just like Sir Mix-
a-Lot says, if she's got an itty-bitty waist
and a round thing in your face, her
personality is also probably scintillating.
Now, to be fair to men, who have been
accused of never looking at our eyes
since the dawn of the time, they aren't
alone. Women actually looked at other
women the same way, i.e., straight in
the boobs. So in conclusion: Maybe you
want to look into that whole boob
makeup thing after all? I mean, to put
your best boobs forward or something.
It should be noted that this study was
very small, but like, come on. We've all
been mentally conducting this study
since our first training bra, and it's true.
Move on, science. Study something
boobies-related we can't figure out, like
why it's 2013 and no one has invented a
good bra that doesn't properly support
me without eventually stabbing me to
death with underwire. Or, um, breast

Do you ever notice yourself staring
at other women's boobs (or waists, I
guess) instead of their face? I don't
feel like I even need to ask if you've
ever noticed men doing so to you.


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